The Information and Communications Technology Research is geared towards creating workforce competencies and providing skill programs to give Canadian companies the means to obtain appropriate talent and perfect skillsets required to propel efficiency and modernisation in a progressively competitive economy.
We acknowledge every single one of supplementary pathways as well as the labour market and establish a diverse, friendly working environment to make sure Canada is in the position to fulfill the need of technologically skilled workforce.
ICTR programs offer specialized strategies for employing, maintaining, and incorporating youth, women, natives, and IEP (Internationally Educated Professionals) toward the ICT workforce.
Career Connect
Due to the rapid development of industries with the new graduates, ICTR has thoroughly devised a wage-subsidy program to address that. It can also promote learning paths to the possibility of permanent employment. With a success rate of about 90%, this program takes pride in a number of applicants being employed by various companies.
Employers of an in-demand industry that provide a permanent employment in Toronto, Ottawa, Winsor, Sudbury, St. Catharines, Barrie, Peterborough, the rest of Niagara, and some areas which are included in NOC codes looking for ICT workers are qualified to get compensation in a form of wage subsidies of up to 50% of their given salaries for 6 months.
Also, to be eligible for the reimbursement, employers should be open to accept and hire applicants with minimal or no experience within the age of 30 years and younger.
GO Talent program
This program delivers an opportunity for companies to communicate with the numerous IT experienced Internationally Educated Professionals having permanent residency who are just a few days or weeks away from living in Canada.
Through the recently implemented employment portal on eTalent Canada, companies can publicise their job openings and obtain full access of ICTR database of candidates. Employers can greatly benefit from the job portal as it allows them to recruit the right and perfect applicants for the job and lessen the time consumed in screenings even if the applicants are miles away from Canada.
Finding the best digitally competent individuals has never been this easy with our GO Talent program.